Samantha 23rd April 2021

David, I can't quite believe I'm writing this. It still hasn't fully sunk in that you're gone, I'm not sure it ever will. You've had such a big impression on my life in ways you'll never know. Even on the most stressful days you kept a calm persona and always knew what to do to keep the ball rolling and keep everyone happy when it felt like everything was about to blow up! Your sheer amount of knowledge and experience always used to amaze me, but as a manager and friend you've helped me in more ways than I can say. You supported and stood up for me from day one and always made time to listen to any concerns I had. You made it your priority to fix something if it wasn't right or you didn't agree with the way someone had spoken to me, which I'll always be grateful for. As soon as you joined the team it felt like you'd always belonged here. Your sassy comments and dry sense of humour made you the perfect fit for our team and there's a definite piece of us missing without you. I honestly just miss you taking the piss out of me and my Northern accent (you of all people!?) and our team lunches in the pub on a Friday, gutted we've been stolen of so many more happy memories with you. Rest in peace David, I hope you're having a huge party up there. Miss you now and always x